Virtual Private Servers

Do you prefer server resources dedicated solely to you, housed in secure rack space with triple-redundant power and bandwidth, up to date security patches and firewalls? Perhaps it’s time to step up into a Virtual Private Server. HostWorks can tailor a plan for every budget.

HostWorks in uniquely positioned within multiple points of presence that boast certifications including PCI-compliance and SAS 70 Type II, including others.  Please contact HostWorks at for complete details.

Linux or Windows-based servers
Completely Managed Performance
Tailored configurations to specifications
Hybrid-solutions including Amazon AWS & Colorado-based offerings
Plesk control Panel
Customizable server backups

Other Services Available With Your Virtual Private Server:

Security and Operating System Patches, Virus Updates
Domain Registration/Renewal
SafeDomain Service
DNS Service
Multi-point Monitoring
Secure SSL Certificates

Interested? Please contact us at or call 303-539-1839.

Automatic updates & maintenance

Save time and keep your site secure with managed upgrades and backups.

Amazon AWS Service-backed backbone

Industry-leading performance, stability and flexibility.

Managed Security

HostWorks is responsible for your website security to guard from attacks.

Multi-tiered backup solutions

Multiple points of managed backup for quick restore points.

Multi-point Monitoring

All environments are continually monitored for uptime and vulnerabilities with multiple  scanners.

Easy to use custom control panel

Control your environment with ease.